Rocky Marsiano Meu Kamba Jazz

Rocky Marsiano Meu Kamba Jazz
Rocky Marsiano
Rocky Marsiano


World Jazz Fusion
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World Music Jazz Fusion
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  • country:Portugal
  • region:Lisboa
  • style(s):Afro, World Jazz
  • label:not signed
  • type:DJ/Remixer
  • gender:male
  • instrumentation:instrumental, electronic
  • artist posted by:Pinuts Music Agency

Line up

  • Rocky Marsiano (DJ)


On his latest release “Meu Kamba Jazz, Volume Um” (available on vinyl), Rocky Marsiano goes full-circle. It is a return to his jazzy origins, heavily influenced by the afro-latin music he has been working with during the past decade.
This album is a clear step into new territory, with a lot of the tracks featuring live drums by the eclectic Alex Figueira, amazing live recordings by Lisbon-based instrumentalists and soulful contributions by his partner-in-music Bruce James.

Back in 2005, his critically acclaimed debut “The Pyramid Sessions” (Loop:Recordings) was a pioneering effort of blending hip-hop beats, jazzy samples and live instrumentation and was the stepping stone for the next couple of releases - all still rooted in jazz.
In 2004 he started releasing the Meu Kamba trilogy (3 volumes): a tribute to music from lusophone Africa, first expressed through edits and later becoming totally self-produced. Another two albums dedicated to his Brazilian musical heritage were also released along the way.

Now, the circle is complete: Meu Kamba Jazz is a creative attempt to fuse all of the influences that Marsiano has collected since the very start and was born during 2 years of recording sessions between Amsterdam and Lisbon.