Arte dei Suonatori

Arte dei Suonatori
Arte dei Suonatori
Arte dei Suonatori
Arte dei Suonatori
Arte dei Suonatori
  • country:Poland
  • region:Poznan
  • style(s):Early Music, Classical Period
  • label:BIS Records
  • type:Large Ensemble
  • gender:male, female
  • instrumentation:instrumental
  • artist posted by:Malke Music Management

Line up

  • Arte dei Suonatori


The most recognizable Polish ensemble on the international music scene, performing the music of past eras in a historically informed manner. After years of joint and individual experience, the musicians' artistic search focuses on a constant exploration of the core of the musical language of composers of past eras, which, combined with historical instruments, has led to the creation of a style that is both historical, modern and thoroughly individual. The vast repertoire of this ensemble exceeds 700 compositions, representing a wide-range of styles and forms from the 17th and 18th century as well as the contemporary era.
Over 25 years in operation Arte dei Suonatori have recorded and released 18 albums produced by renowned record companies (BIS Records, Alpha, Channel Classics), distinguished by international music critics with awards such as Gramophone Award, Diapason d’Or, Diapason 5 and Choc du Monde de la Musique, Luister 10, 10 de Répertoire, Classics Today, Classic CD, Monthly Choice and Editor’s Choice of the BBC Music Magazine, Classic FM Magazine awards, Prelude Classical Music Awards 2009 (The Best Orchestral CD for Handel’s 12 Concerti grossi op. 6), Télérama ffff.
The group is very busy giving concerts in Poland, Europe as well as the United States and China. Arte dei Suonatori has also made numerous recordings for many radio stations, including the BBC, Danmarks Radio (DR), SWR, Polish Radio Programme II and television recordings for the French station Mezzo, as well as TVP3, TVP Kultura, TVP1.