EYOT "the nirvana of Jazz"
Album cover


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The album name is 557799, after composition number 7, which is about the rhythm pattern throughout it.

5/8 5/8, 7/8 7/8, 9/8 9/8 it goes.

Those 3 odd rhythms are the basics of the Balkans’ traditional music, but for us, there’s more to that than just the number- it’s the epitome of life and history which has always been turbulent in this part of the world. That’s our Heartbeat. Odd is an odd way full of life and emotion.

Half of this album was created from old ideas, mixed with new solutions-or, inspired by many musical styles, formed into the specific EYOT sound.

But this time I was particularly inspired by John Williams, Bruckner, Patrick Doyle, and Mokranjac, and also “The Soul Cages” album by Sting.

-Dejan Ilijic

Release Date: October 23, 2020