IMAGO MUNDI (Sofie Vanden Eynde and Saad Mahmood Jawad)

IMAGO MUNDI (Sofie Vanden Eynde and Saad Mahmood Jawad)
copyright Marleen Nelen
copyright Marleen Nelen
copyright Marleen Nelen
copyright Marleen Nelen
copyright Marleen Nelen
copyright Marleen Nelen
copyright Marleen Nelen


These are just preview samples. You need a valid account and be logged in to hear the full tracks


digital story about the making of Whirling Waters
These are just preview samples. You need a valid account and be logged in to watch the full clips
  • country:Belgium
  • style(s):Arabic, Early Music
  • label:not signed
  • type:Small Ensemble, Duo
  • instrumentation:instrumental, unplugged, lute
  • artist posted by:Imago Mundi vzw

Line up

  • Amel Sdiri (singer)
  • Saad Mahmood Jawad (oud)
  • Shahab Azinmerh (tar, setar, voice)
  • Sofie Vanden Eynde (lute and theorbo)


IMAGO MUNDI is not an ensemble, not a 'collective', but a meeting place for old and new music, for Western and Eastern music, for various artistic disciplines, with constantly changing musicians, gathered around artistic director Sofie Vanden Eynde.
IMAGO MUNDI is a home for but also a hotbed of encounters, musical ideas and an honest view of artistic expression. In this sense, IMAGO MUNDI's projects are always different, surprising, yet with the same urge for a quest for content and attention to the audience's overall experience.
IMAGO MUNDI's first project looked for parallels in the experience of melancholy between Western Europe and Sufi culture. For this, Sofie collaborated with Moneim Adwan (Divine Madness). Over the years, collaborations followed with Dogan Dikmen and Maryam Akhondy, among others. Meeting Iraqi oud player Saad Mahmood Jawad resulted in a permanent duo.

Sofie's participation in WOMEX 2023 is mainly to promote the new album "Whirling Waters" she made with Saad. She also wants to highlight her new collaborations with Shahab Azinmehr and Amel Sdiri.

Sadly tuned from east to west and back

In this brand new production by success string duo Sofie Vanden Eynde and Saad Mahmood Jawad, the music flows endlessly. Tears feed lakes and rivers become oceans of stories. How geographical reality can influence music, from the wondrous Mesopotamia and Iran through Armenia to here.

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